Repair and Restoration Services



$95 Standard Electric or Acoustic Six-String,
$95 Four-String Bass
$100 Classical
$120 Twelve-String Electric or Acoustic
$125 Floyd Rose Style Bridge


$200 Full Fret Dressing
$150 Partial Fret Dressing
$425 Refret Unbound Unfinished Fretboard
$450 Refret Bound Fretboard
$450+ Refret Finished Fretboard
$65 Fret End Trim


$95 Compensated Bone Saddle
$120 Bone Guitar Nut
$145 Bone 12-String/Mandolin Nut
$90 Banjo/ Uke Bone Nut


$75+ Crack Repair/ Seam Separation
$100 Crack Repair with Cleat
$180 Wide Crack Epoxy Fill
$75 Brace Reglue
$200+ Headstock Break
$700+ Neck Reset
$250+ Bridge Reglue
$180+ Bridge Reglue Uke
$400+ Bridge Fabrication with Installation & Compensated Bone Saddle
$140 Saddle Slot Fill and Recut
$350+ Bridge Plate Removal and Replacement
$100 Bridge Plate Epoxy Repair (Bridge Pin Hole Fill and Redrill)
$75 Fill fretboard cracks
$250+ Neck Rebinding



$100 Acoustic Pickup Installation with Endpin Jack (Pickup Not Included)
$50 First, $30 Per Additional Electric Guitar Pickup Installation
$30 Output Jack Replacement
$85/hr Troubleshooting, General Wiring, and Soldering

All prices are approximate. Estimate provided upon inspection of your instrument.